The Power of Creation
There is creative power available to each and every sentient being on the planet. Native traditions have always known this. The time is now that this power is used for the good of the planet and everyone & everything on it.
The Steps to Conscious Creating
- Rewire Our Ego-Addicted Brain – We are addicted to ego and all the suffering that goes with it (including our addiction to adrenaline brought on by devices, interruptions, distractions, multi-tasking, staying busy, staying “involved,” staying “informed,” etc. PLUS all the negative self-talk it throws in our faces). We rewire by learning and sticking to a daily practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation. You don’t have to become a Buddhist to meditate like one. Mindfulness techniques alone are not enough. Awareness techniques alone are not enough. One needs the balance of mindfulness AND awareness AND the support to go deeper which Tibetan Buddhist meditation techniques offer – shamatha vipashana, in particular. Buddhism does not give you anything. Buddhism shows you how to uncover what you already have. By meditating in this way, we begin to see clearly how much of a tool we’ve been for ego’s folly. At the same time, we are strengthening our mind to remain in its natural resting state whenever WE want it to be.
- Release Our Conditioning – Over the entire course of our lifetime, our brain has remembered EVERYTHING it’s ever heard – from family, friends, co-workers, random people, radio, movies, plays, etc., etc., etc. To one degree or another, we’ve held on and believe some, if not all, of what we’ve ever heard – and we believe it as if it was spoken about us. This is the basis of our negative self-talk and our habitual patterns that come of it. As we begin to deepen our meditation practice, we begin to “see” our conditioning and our habitual patterns for what they are: bullshit. This is an empowering moment because we can decide from an unencumbered mind whether they serve us or not. Next step: we can choose to keep them or get rid of them. This is a life-long process but with the strength of mind that meditation gives us, we make it an easy, joyous task because of how much lighter we feel and how closer we feel to our own authentic self – unadulterated by conditioning.
- Connect with Source, Aloha – One of my favorite native Hawaiian kupuna (elders) from last century, Aunty Nana Veary, put it this way, “[Living from Source] was so much a part of the culture that it needed no name. Today, we call it the ‘aloha spirit.’ ‘Alo’ means the bosom, the center of the universe. ‘Hāʻ is the breath of [All That Is]. Aloha is a feeling, a recognition of the divine.” Source is a neutral word for the intelligence, consciousness, and life-force energy of everything in the Universe and beyond. There is only Source. Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, and sense are Source experiencing itself as those things. Including ourselves. This is a secret long held by organized religions from its followers. Native traditions understand this as the basis of their interactions with the phenomenal world. As Aunty Nana says, “The highest form of meditation is inner stillness. We let our mind and heart release all that disturbs us.” When we meditate, we are connecting with and “listening” to Source. In meditation, we raise our consciousness to be one with Source and receive guidance. When we get off the meditation cushion, we can take that connection with us 24/7 – if we so desire.
- Act on Guidance – Source, Aloha, is the source of intelligence, consciousness, and life-force energy – goodness, before there was ever good and bad. Primordial purity, if you will. Ego is the source of all suffering. There is no better guidance than that from Aloha, Source, but ego will certainly try to convince you it knows better. With deep meditation training, you can recognize ego’s “logical solutions.” They always arise second – literally second-guessing Source’s guidance. Source and its guidance is beyond the concept of ego. Guidance from Source may not seem “logical” but if followed unquestioningly, it will always bring the best outcome. Second-guesses by ego feel and come from the head center. Guidance from Source feel and come from the heart/gut centers. Learn to recognize the difference. Test it out with inconsequential situations – ignore Source’s guidance and follow ego and see for yourself which is better. Native traditions implore us to let Source live us – only the good of the planet and everything and everyone on it can come from that. If we insist in trying to make things happen a certain way, we are coming from ego. Let that shit go – it hasn’t help in the past, it’s not going to be any different now.
- Be Thankful – Gratitude for the blessings that are coming – as if they are already here – is a clear indication to Source that you are aligning with being a co-creator of the Universe and makes way for even more blessings to come.
- Allow – Stand back and allow things to play out as Source orchestrates things to bring goodness to life. It may take longer than you expect or you may see things happen that you don’t understand or that seem not in alignment with the best for everyone concerned. Things may need to play out first that were set in motion by others. Trust in Source and allow. Simply by aligning with Source and letting It live you, all things will pass to reveal harmony and blessings beyond belief.
As many know, 10% of any population is a powerful tipping force for change. If 10% can begin to live this new paradigm, we will see powerful results fast. Try it for yourself and when it works – because it does work if you’re doing it right – inspire others to join you.
Soon, I will be offering an online three-day practical course that will aid you in getting to such a positive mindset that you will start using conscious creating immediately with tremendous results. Look for my announcements about it or email your interest to me:
Be safe. Be healthy. Be Source.