Hoʻi ka Hā is a contemporary school of ancient knowledge and a fiscally managed program of
Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network (HCAN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID 94-3257650).
Hoʻi ka Hā LLC 2022-2023 Profit & Loss (as of July 15, 2023)
Hoʻi ka Hā LLC 2023-2024 Budget (as of July 15, 2023)
Arising in 2019, Hoʻi ka Hā – the heart-child of Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop – is a contemporary school of ancient knowledge for mature seekers that serves as a beacon of Truth in this world. ALOHA is the natural state of Being. All that Hoʻi ka Hā offers is in service to those who deeply aspire for liberation from the grip of ego identity to live, once again, as their true nature: ALOHA.
Hoʻi ka Hā is entirely dedicated to the complete reconnection with ALOHA. It is a guiding light that shares ancient teachings from around the world through live online and pre-recorded courses that provide the experiences, knowledge, skills, and support needed for one to awaken to the reality of ALOHA as the living presence, joy and power pervading all life. Hoʻi ka Hā brings timeless wisdom and the spirit of ALOHA directly to each person who shows up, regardless of where they may find themselves.
Kit’s guidance is infused with the shared wisdom and power of 24 belief systems which teach that our true nature is one with the pure awareness that is the unified field of ALOHA. Awakening to our real nature does not mean we are to acquire something new, but rather that we must discover within ourselves that which is timelessly pure and in harmony with our very Being. Therefore, there is no need to renounce one’s family, worldly duties, ambitions, religion, or any other human expression.
Our main course is a profound, experiential journey that points the way toward living consciously, with an awakened mind. Today, we call that mindfulness-awareness. According to Aunty Pilahi Pakī, one of Hawaiʻi’s most beloved and respected wisdom keepers, it’s called living ALOHA.
Our mission is to employ Universal Truths and Ancient Wisdom Traditions to foster personal/professional transformation in people toward living ALOHA (embodying empathy, compassion, wisdom, and mindfulness). We believe that, at this time in history, the planet needs real leaders – leaders who live ALOHA: Who possess an optimistic outlook, forge meaningful connections with others, have a clear understanding of their purpose and values, and possess the conviction that they can bring about positive change in their lives, communities, cities, states, country, or the world.
The more we live ALOHA, the more we experience peace & harmony. The more we experience peace & harmony, the more we treat ourselves with kindness & compassion. The more we treat ourselves with kindness & compassion, the more we treat others and the planet with kindness & compassion. This forms the basis of working together cooperatively – free of ego – on any issue that is for the highest good of all sentient beings and the planet.
“The world turns to Hawaiʻi as they search for peace because Hawaiʻi has the key; and that key is ALOHA.” ~ Aunty Pilahi Paki
We aspire to train anyone who wants to learn how to teach the main course so that the people in their communities can benefit from living ALOHA and experiencing the associated harmony, joy, peace, and wellbeing even in these materialistic times.
When the time is right, we aspire to have a physical home where people can gather in-person for these offerings in Honolulu – Hale Pilialoha (home of those one in ALOHA) – while we continue to serve people online across the country and around the world.
In order to maintain a safe refuge for meditative practice and contemplative experience, we join together in living by a code of ethics during our time at any program produced by Hoʻi ka Hā. This code of ethics applies to all teachers, presenters, program staff, service and location providers, retreat participants, guests, residents, and volunteers.
2022-2023 was a challenging year for HKH. While we were blessed with many participants, HKH was still seeing the negative impact on revenue from the pandemic. This resulted in little to no revenue and slightly higher expenses.
Our 2022-2023 loss was ($11,020.39) and as a result, we had to continue to utilize Kit’s personal retirement reserves in order to maintain operations.
With the start of formal program revenues at the end of the 2022-2023 fiscal year and the continued program revenue next fiscal year, HKH should see an excess on our 2023-2024 bottom line and the beginning of expansion.