“The Aloha component of The Path of Meditation that Leads to Living ALOHA is very important and unique. The course brings up a question that many people in Hawaiʻi are asking and struggling with – and some don’t even realize it’s a problem – but right now, with the state of the world, it is: How do we live with more Aloha? Historically, Hawaiʻi’s last Queen, Liliʻuokalani, was in despair because she felt – even way back then – that Hawaiians no longer understood the meaning of Aloha. It’s not just a word used as an expression of love; it’s, in fact, a whole philosophy – a spiritual path. It encompasses so many values that were part of the Hawaiian lifestyle and tradition; values of humility, values of compassion and kindness. Thinking of others was very important. Having experienced it myself, I truly believe that this course helps people to find ways of expressing Aloha in their daily lives. This study of Aloha can help bring it back so that – person-by-person, one-by-one – as more and more people begin to live with these values, we can transform the world.”

“I’ve tried meditation before — it never really stuck — but since I started this course in early 2022 I’ve noticed a new steadiness of my inner compass. I’m not as easily angered, hurt, or thrown by situations, toxic people or other storms that appear in my life. Without putting specific effort into doing so, I also discovered a few months into the course that I’d actually let go of past traumas and forgiven the people I’ve held long time grudges against, freeing myself from the mental merry-go-round that I used to ride on in my thoughts — what someone did, or said, how they made me feel and all their motives I attributed to them. I used to get caught up in this often which is mentally exhausting and creates so much unnecessary drama and suffering for everyone.
While I’m not at all suggesting that I’m perfect, because I’m still human, this course has allowed me to view people in a more compassionate manner. I used to stay in my thoughts more but now as I find I’m happier, I go about my day looking to see if others seem ok or if they seem to need a kind word, a smile, etc. There’s nothing like being shown a small kindness on a day we really needed it, right? I’m also more comfortable communicating with people because I’m coming more from a place of love, so even difficult conversations seem easier. I’m not cluttering my mind with what I think the other person’s motives are as we’re speaking, I’m simply wanting the best for everyone, speaking my truth, opening my heart and listening to them. Again — this is not 100% of my interactions, but a significantly higher amount than I had in my life before taking this course. The benefits are far ranging and as long as I continue to do the work and grow, these will stay with me for the rest of my life. Who wouldn’t want this gift?”

Please accept my warm invitation to join this course. I am in my second year with my/our teacher Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop. This course has completely enabled my ability to be present on a very deep level and, throughout my daily life, I am much more anchored to presence, even amidst many challenges.
The weekly meetings and community shares, along with Kit’s guidance, are unparalleled. There is a better way to live and most pathways to that involve divesting from the conditioned mind. Join us! The first 21 weeks are complimentary — what a heart offering to taste the benefit of the practice before diving in.
I used to ponder if I could ever manage to meditate every day. And I mean seated meditation, not therapeutic yoga or savasana or activities that I find to be meditative. I am now practicing sitting meditation 47 minutes every day. That is not a brag. It is a personal/universal subscription to Aloha and an ongoing unsubscribe from the conditioned thinking mind. Buh-bye drama. Hello Aloha ∞
May all beings experience heart peace, love and embodied belonging.

“The course had a huge impact on my life and, since graduating, it continues to have a huge impact. I am so much more aware of where I am in the present moment, where I am in what is going on. Meditation is now much easier in the sense that I’m not judging myself any longer but instead noticing where I am and what is happening. That, in itself, is such a relief. This moment of just checking-in with myself without judging and then having the tools to guide myself to move into a different state of mind that better serves me and others.”

“I used to be a slave to the news. You could say I was a total news junkie. I was addicted to network news, cable news, print news, the opinions – all of it. And it brought constant frustration, furious anger, and anxiety; with politics and the world – anything that seemed ‘unfair.’ As a result of the course, I realized that wasn’t serving anybody. Now that I was paying more attention to my thoughts and how they affected my mood and how that affected my life, I just gave it up: the news addiction. I turned the news off. I still feel I need to be engaged but I no longer feel I need to be angry about every little or big thing. It’s freeing. It also puts things in perspective. Before, I felt it was my responsibility to be angry at every injustice as a citizen of the world. But thanks to the course, I became much more grounded, calm, peaceful. That came to me by noticing how I was interacting with other people and the kinds of conversations I was having with my friends. I was becoming much more at ease with myself and they were noticing – and even mirroring me!”

“You might be surprised to learn that what you think are exciting or stimulating components of your life are actually habits tied to an addiction to adrenaline and cortisol. The natural flow of life is gentle and wondrous; it doesn’t spike your hormones in any way. This course offers real skills that, if applied daily, will make life extraordinary, miraculous, and arouse compassion within you for everybody – freeing you of struggle, mental agitation, and suffering – all in the most authentic and loving way.”

“This course has given me the skills and knowledge to manage my panic disorder symptoms. I’ve known Kit for a long time and trust him in a way that I feel safe in being vulnerable in sharing my story. I knew he would be the best person to be on this journey with to see how the teachings could help me manage the anxiety I normally had. The tools he shared in the course have really helped me.”

“It was surprising to me to realize how quickly I felt less stress in my life and less reactivity to other people and random events. It didn’t happen just occasionally – my entire base level was more even-keeled and I felt less likely to get upset about things I had no control over in my daily life.”

“My life as a whole has changed for the better as a result of what I learned in the course. I now know that a lot of people experience the same kind of emotions and anxiety as me or find difficulty in focusing the same as I do. The principles I learned in the course have helped me to approach my problems and issues in a completely different way. Rather than feeling I’m at the whim of my mind spiraling out of control and feeling overwhelmed, I now feel I have the ability to be objective. It’s the objectivity of my thoughts that I’ve found most beneficial by far.”

“I’ve grown thanks to this course. I can objectively be aware of my thoughts and, rather than let them control me, I can clearly see which thoughts create struggle and suffering and which thoughts create a peaceful mind and experience. And I get to choose which I let have authority over me. I also noticed the people around me – friends, family – changed the way they look at their own problems because of the way I’ve looked at myself. Because of the course, I’m much more mature in everything: the way that I set boundaries, the way that I communicate. And that trickles over to my friends and family. Everybody notices, ‘Bruno’s different.’ Because I’m different, people are thinking they can change, too.”

“I’ve had great experiences of insight and realization. I had a meditation practice for 10 years before but I’ve experienced the most growth since starting this course. I feel more alive in the world and in everything I do. And it’s brought a greater understanding of myself, the phenomenal world, and life. When I apply the techniques I’ve learned in the course, life is way more beautiful and enriching.”